RELEASE: Multi-Materials Stewardship Board Proclaims International Compost Awareness Week
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April 28, 2022 (Mount Pearl, NL) – Today, the Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Environment and Climate Change proclaimed May 1 to 7, 2022 as International Compost Awareness Week in Newfoundland and Labrador on behalf of the Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB). The Minister was joined by Mayor Dave Aker, City of Mount Pearl, and representatives from O’Donel High School to celebrate the launch of a new compositing initiative, including Brad Jones and Cole Murphy, teachers responsible for the greenhouse program, Sheldon Marsh, Principle; Jamie Coady, Director of Schools, NLESD; and student Jenna Bishop.
O’Donel High School introduced a new greenhouse program in 2021 which it has connected to various curriculum outcomes at the school. Now, the greenhouse project will be enhanced with the introduction of a new composting initiative. The school has been outfitted with two new composting tumblers which were donated by the City of Mount Pearl.
In recognition of International Compost Awareness Week, MMSB is encouraging Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to embrace nature’s version of recycling and compost organic waste. Organic material will decompose naturally over time including food, yard, paper and cardboard waste.
MMSB also has a number of other activities planned in celebration of International Compost Awareness Week. Building on this year’s theme, “Recipe for Regeneration: Compost”, MMSB will be promoting a series of videos through its social media channels to provide compositing tips and information. Additionally, MMSB will offer online workshops to support residents in backyard composting.
In an effort to help communities divert organic waste, MMSB annually partners with communities to offer backyard composting bins to residents at a reduced rate. MMSB will also work with participating communities to ensure residents have access to backyard composting education sessions. Since 2005, MMSB has distributed more than 34,000 compost bins to residents across the province and has also supported communities and businesses in implementing community and commercial compost projects through its funding programs.
“The educational programs offered by the MMSB provide valuable information for youth to understand how to become environmental stewards and one aspect of that is learning the importance of composting. As we mark International Compost Awareness Week, I congratulate all students and schools for making composting a priority to reduce waste in our province. Let’s all do our part to make composting an everyday activity to help divert waste from our landfills and contribute to a greener environment.”
Honourable Bernard Davis
Environment and Climate Change
“MMSB encourages Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to embrace nature’s version of recycling and compost organic waste. On average, 41% of what we throw away in Newfoundland and Labrador is wasted food. We commend O’Donel High School, and the
various other schools and organizations that are leading the way in expanding on diversion opportunities by embracing compositing. MMSB is proud to support organizations and residents in growing composting activity in the province through funding initiatives and public education.”
Dermot Flynn
Chair, Multi-Materials Stewardship Board of Directors
“Climate change is a big challenge, and one that we must collectively rise to meet. Municipalities are at the forefront of making proactive changes that support climate action, and Mount Pearl is proud of the leadership role it has in this respect. We continue to invest in greener approaches to how we do daily things, like adding more electric vehicles to our Street Fleet, implementing a tree planting program, and our innovative backyard composting pilot program being reprised again this year due to its early success. We are pleased to be able to support this project at O’Donel for the educational opportunities it creates for the future custodians of our planet.”
Dave Aker
Mayor, City of Mount Pearl
“At O’Donel High School our vision is to inspire a community of global citizens and lifelong learners. Having a greenhouse and a composting project gives our students an opportunity to engage in environmental issues, food security and the hard work that is involved in food production. Deep learning projects like this go beyond the traditional frameworks that define education and benefit all learners. Thanks to our partners, these experiences will engage students to take this new knowledge and use it in their own homes, become a little more sustainable in their use of food resources and inspire others as many O’Donel Patriots have done in the past.”
Brad Jones
Teacher, O’Donel High School
Media Enquiries:
Jackie O’Brien, Senior Marketing & Communications Officer
Multi-Materials Stewardship Board
(709) 682-6657 |
Joshua Jamieson, Marketing and Communications Officer
City of Mount Pearl
(709) 748-1009 |
Lynn Robinson
Media Relations Manager, Department of Environment and Climate Change
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
(709) 691-9466 |
Cheryl A. Gullage
Manager of Communications, Newfoundland and Labrador English School District
(709) 758-0032 |